Humans used the scientific method to come to the conclusion of god(s).

The scientific method is responsible for religion. Early humans and non-human primates used observation and testing before we cave to the conclusion of gods. This may not be the best sub for this. Please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate one if so. I’m really looking for thoughts, insight, critiques/criticism to help flesh out this idea. I was on F-book this morning and a YEC Christian commented on a post something along the lines that “God”(in the Christian sense) predates science etc. I countered that no - science created gods. Humans use the fundamental principles of the scientific method(observe>question/hypothesize>test) to get to the conclusion of god(s). We used these tenets before gods to get fire, to make art, to learn what to eat for examples. Not only that, but non-human animals use the scientific method but not religion(this could just be me anthropomorphizing).