Further Black library books

Picked Krieg up whilst in my local Warhammer Shop and have just finished it, Krieg (What a book!) and about to start Siege of Vraks (Just received today). I am now a massive fan of the Krieg!

Are there any other books about the Death Korps?

Also looking at starting a Krieg army as I love the lore so far (probably looking at 500 points to start off with) Any advice would be helpful!


Picked Krieg up whilst in my local Warhammer Shop and have just finished it, Krieg (What a book!) and about to start Siege of Vraks (Just received today). I am now a massive fan of the Krieg!

Are there any other books about the Death Korps?

Also looking at starting a Krieg army as I love the lore so far (probably looking at 500 points to start off with) Any advice would be helpful!
