If his first name is Neil..

The letters of his name are all in "Solid Snake" and while I don't think it will be a "Lord Voldemort is Tom Marvolo Riddle" situation, his whole name could very well be an anagram, something like Neil Daskos, Skados, Kossad, etc. because Kojima is a troll and I would love to see it! Ok I'll see myself out 👩🏻‍🦯‍➡️

The letters of his name are all in "Solid Snake" and while I don't think it will be a "Lord Voldemort is Tom Marvolo Riddle" situation, his whole name could very well be an anagram, something like Neil Daskos, Skados, Kossad, etc. because Kojima is a troll and I would love to see it! Ok I'll see myself out 👩🏻‍🦯‍➡️