Reset ranks during beta more often, please.

I will start this off by saying that I can recognize when I'm the weak link on a team of 6. At the same time I am decent at shooters and more importantly have played enough games of deadlock to know how the flow of this game goes.

With that being said, I have been dragged down to lose 12 of the last 13 games I've played by players that should be ranked WAY lower than they are, or by players that straight up don't know how to play this game at all.

I try to communicate and my words are met with silence and are fully ignored.

I realize that the player base is low because the game is not out yet, but the skill disparity between the teams "averaged" at arcanist to ritualist range from borderline pro players to braindead bots. I think the rank system should be reset more often, and that wins and losses should move a players rank quicker.

The barrier to entry is huge due to character/itemization knowledge, and I think the ranking system needs to be reset more often as new/more players join. I want to help new players learn how to play and have fun and grow the player base, and i want to continue to play this game through its beta phase.., but I'm extremely frustrated with getting crushed game after game due to being matched with teammates who show zero effort to learn or collaborate game after game.