This game is ridiculous for solo q.
Why isn’t BHVR fixing solo q? Not everyone wants to be on vocal comms to play this game. Unless you get a baby killer who doesn’t even know how to spell dead by daylight, the chances of you escaping is .00000008%.
Just had a game against Myers. Of course, he brings tombstone piece. Of course, all of my teammates T bag him in the open because they have no idea how to play against him. He was following me around the map and carrying me around because I was hoping into lockers so he couldn’t mori me. Mind you, this lasted for about 5 minutes. What is the other alive survivor doing? Watching from a distance. No gens.
Bro got a 4k with 5 gens left. I know it doesn’t matter how much we complain. BHVR would rather put a bandaid on issues than actually fix it.