I miss making out :(

The taste the feel the passion lips teeth tongue I crave it. God I just miss kissing in general.I miss falling into a kiss with my ex truly. He was an amazing kisser. And he tasted fucking amazing. When we were teens we once made out for over an hour second base maximum. It was heaven. My husband never kisses me. I think we’ve gone well over a week or more without kissing. I’m someone who needs it every day multiple times a day. I feel so robbed I’m only 24 and I can’t even make out anymore? I sit in my car and think of just ravishing him sometimes and then I go in and he dodges my mouth or cuts the kiss in half. So then I end up endlessly fantasizing about my ex.

My relationship feels so cold and robotic without this. He cuddles me sometimes but I just feel hollow and sometimes annoyed because it feels like he doesn’t really want to/ends it wayyy to early, even when it’s nice it just feels like a poor effort to keep me complacent.