Is it ok to cheat if he is into cuckolding?
We have sex about once a year these days. But he likes me to flirt with guys online and send him screenshots of the messages. He gets off knowing I make other guys crazy about me.
I have fun doing it online but I’ve refused to meet anyone in person because I just think it is too dangerous. I am the kind of person that I like emotional connection with sex, and since my husband is not really providing me with the emotional intimacy I want I am afraid of exploring cuckolding too much and end up falling for someone else.
The past few months I’ve even stopped with the online flirting as a petty revenge against him. Like, “if I am sexually frustrated you will be too”. But it didn’t work because he doesn’t force me to do anything and doesn’t mind if I don’t want to do it. Now I am just even more on the edge without it. I am at a point to throw caution through the window and just go for the real thing, because I need me some real, in person, throbbing cock.
Is it cheating if I take him up on his offer and just go meet some guys?