Has anyone in a DB situation tried this?

I’ve been in a DB situation which started and has been getting progressively worse since we started having kids about 13 years ago. After constant rejection, I don’t initiate anymore. So it happens only when she initiates which is once a month and ‘you’ve got five minutes’ half-jokingly. I usually try to stretch it out but she’s in a race to finish. So as you can see our sex live is on her terms, exactly how much and how often she wants. I never reject her because I’ll take what I can get. I’ve brought up my dissatisfaction with it multiple times but it just results in an argument, like I’m the bad guy for making her feel bad for being inadequate. So, nothing changes.

I’ve been considering trying something new, which is rejecting her when she initiates. Give some excuse like I’m having some anxiety or I’m not feeling great. Has to be something believable. After a few months she might feel the lack of intimacy that I feel. The thinking here is that doing this will turn ‘my problem’ into ‘our problem’ and shine a spotlight on the issue. To be a catalyst for her to take it seriously and work on fixing it with me. It will probably blow up in my face, but has anyone tried this strategy and if so, how did it go?