How am I supposed to meet anyone on this game?

Been trying to get into the game but literally every person I meet kills me on sight. Today I got killed 4 times as a freshie just getting food and water by fully geared dudes. I don't even have a weapon or good clothing yet and even tell them over the mic i don't have anything as i get into surrender postion and am still killed.

Finally got going after about 2 hours of that and I hear this dude literally begging for help over the mic. You can see where that went. I feel bad just killing people and have only killed when I'm being attacked. I tried approaching people in every way possible to be friendly but am only killed on sight.

Everyone says this game is all about the moments with other players but how do I have those moments when i spend half the day gearing up just to get killed on sight anyway?

I've even been geared up and tried making friends with freshies just for me to have to shoot them because they tried stabbing me or something. Is everyone in official just playing it like call of duty?