Your worst death
What’s your worst death story? I’ll go first:
My first close bunker run. I was still in the learning phase but I was playing on Sakhal, which is where I did most of learning. I go on this run which takes hours and hours and finally get to the bunker generator with gasoline and a glow plug. I’m playing a low pop server so think the best idea is to do a test run between the gen and bunker. I do that get lost on the way back and decide I should do another. I do another alls good I know where I’m going, this one’s for real. I start the generator and bee line for the bunker. I hear distance howls of wolves, it’s okay I have a akm and a vaiga it’ll be fine. I’m getting close to the door, I aggro three or four zombies, as the doors opening I blow the legs off the closest one with my vaiga I get in the door but they do too, it go pitch black, im being hit by them and firing randomly into this dark space, I go down. I wake grab my vaiga “you are dead”.
This death is my most frustrating so far and I was raging.