I need advice on recovering from a huge loss
Long story i lost about 10k of my 15k account i got emotional and blew up my account but idk how to go about rebuilding it seems hard and i feel like i have traders block or something (all my trades feel like they go against me)
I feel super fearful now (even if i know the setup is good) when im trading before i was okay holding 200 bucks in the red and if it went 300 red i would sell. Now im super paper hands i freak out when im only down like 30-50 dollars (because i lost so much already) i sell only for an hour latter to be up 200 green if i held.
I have tired down sizing i was trading about 5 contracts (about 1k) now im only doing 2-3 (300-500 bucks) ill get 3 wins at like 70 bucks try to size up back to 1k only to lose 350. so yeah im digging myself deeper and i feel lost.
Please any advice is helpful.