What's your favorite off-meta weapon for PVP?
I'll go first. For me, it's the shortsword. It's often cited as a good early weapon, but I'd argue it can be good throughout the game. It works great as a fast offhand option to a slower weapon, it has super low requirements, all R2s are thrusts while it has slashes a rapier doesn't have, and it's damage is just a bit less than a longsword. While it admittedly suffers in range, I've rarely found that to be an issue when I'm using as an offhand since I'll usually use the slower weapon if the opponent is totally outrange of the shortsword, and then hit 'em with it if they role in. While there are other weapons with the same moveset (e.g. Sun Sword, Fume Knight Sword), the shortsword has lower requirements, weighs less, is not a pain in the ass to get, and can do just as much damage as those options if not more, depending on the build.
Curious to see what other people use.