Are there any ways to survive and get better after being constantly tortured and manipulated by a borderline girl and while still keeping contact?

Unable to keep no contact cause she's classmate and has to share same group, presentation group, classroom.

Her everything started affecting terribly. Leading to becoming suicidal. Injecting suicidal thoughts.

Her constant push pull, she pushes away and when I leave she pulls. This thing messing my head.

I haven't slept at night for over a week now. She's causing me constant anxiety. The situation became worse cause she's very revengeful and does things to hurt me. When I'm strong she doesn't want to leave me but when I become vulnerable she pulls away and it's giving me extreme head pain.

Feels like a living hell. Stress and anxiety affecting my productivity. My CGPA going down from 3.95. it's making me worried but also don't want to go to uni and face her 😞

She neither wants me to move on nor lemme live!

Therapy ain't possible. Pls don't suggest therapy.