Ways to handle a narcissist?

So I have met at least a few narcs in my life. And usually the course of action is to stay as far away from them as possible. Just don't grab their attention or they will start to hyperfocus on you and just parrot you trying to take on your personality and reputation as theirs.

That's when I have this colleague. She seems to be infatuated with me and my personality, she starts to mimic me in every conversation, and was behaving like she is working my job role as well and it is starting to piss me off because I have to clean up after her incompetent attention seeking ass from acting like she knows what she is doing just because I was the subject matter expert, so when she messed up, being same team with me, I had no choice but to fix them.

What I did is I start sharing less with her. And she would go through a bout of panic attacks and anxiety when she cannot observe me. So I decided to mess with her. She has a need to speak to and befriend every single people I encounter, if I so much as mention them to anyone in the team. So I start to mention few random people everyday, some that I don't even know, and now she is all over the place trying to get to know all of them. I also push her into doing some work that requires a lot of attention with another team mate (which she won't shut up about with me telling every details because she doesn't know how to act without having me to copy exactly from, which I keep quiet and refused to comment on).

Any other tips?