Another Quarry Rant!
I recently played through Until Dawn twice and it was pretty captivating, impressive and had alot of great things that made me say "wow they did an amazing job!" I decided the Quarry was next on the list and I am in chapter four and saying "how the f$%^ was this released 7 something years after until dawn?" I am sure most of this has been said before but I am doing it again in hopes whoever made this game smartens up.
- If you're going to make your own action/button setup provide a detailed tutorial from the start with proper explanation of what each interaction requires, not in game as things are happening. Not sure why they didn't copy U.D.'s format. You shouldn't be able to start the game without passing a tutorial test the way they deal with interactions. I was blaming myself in the beginning and googled it only to learn many others had the same issues.
- There are so many things in this game that should be engaging and interactive, yet aren't. IE) opening doors, drawers, hatches. Simple things to keep you engaged instead of just looking for a bright slit. It should have mechanics akin to UD, even if they aren't necessary for the game it makes exploring fun.
- The inability of the camera or character to adjust so you are facing ahead make searching and looking for clues in certain situations a catastrophe.
- Numerous times so far you are involved in a tense exchange or chase etc and they cut if off and bounce to something else losing what little momentum was there.
- Somehow this seems and probably is a bigger area than UD yet areas to actually explore are limited and keeps pushing you into forced story.
- I am to the moon happy I didn't pay $60 yet infuriated I paid $20 for this emotionless abomination. I can't even count how many times I jumped and or crapped my pants while playing UD and this game is just torture.
In conclusion, four chapters in and I don't feel like I am immersed in another world the way UD grabbed me. The characters and dialogue seem phoned in. I really want to enjoy this game but it's difficult. I will keep pushing ahead and and try to enjoy what little is good about this game. Thank you for coming to my TED talk and have a wonderful day. If you have not had the Until Dawn experience I can not recommend it enough.