Kendrick mentions Ebony Prince jewelry in New song.
This is probably a reach but after hearing the new Good Credit song with Carti it got me thinking about somthing I read here. I might be mistaken but I remember seeing Thuglife or some other person on here mention the J prince connection to the stolen jewels or somthing. That brought me back to Ebony Prince posting the jewelry allegedly left by Drake at the Mark Hotel that Ebony was trying to auction off. One of the jewelry pictures Ebony posted was of the blue emerald cuff links/or earrings. Also in the squabble up video the hanging chandelier kind of resembles diamond earrings. Not exactly the same as the ones Ebony Prince was selling but I can see a resemblance. And the Asap Relli line reminds me of the line "make Gunna wunna look like a Saint". Both Gunna and Relli are perceived by the public as snitches who turned on their friends. This might sound like I'm rambling but these are the pieces that I'm trying to piece together. I feel like it's somthing there.