Wizard spells feel awful in PvE
So apparently Wizard is most popular class in Arenas but dead last in all modes of the game outside of that.
I suspect alot of this, especially in Solo, is because of how bad it feels to use any spell that isnt Magic Missles in PvE.
The spells themselves as they are right now, aren't bad, but they don't cut it for PvE at all. Monsters have too much HP, they are not players. A mode like Arena where you no longer have to worry about finding an exit, its a fairly controlled environment, no bosses or worrying about making your spells last you just go buck wild, it's not surprising they do well in Arena.
But I queue up for some Solos, and I have to spend like 3 Ice bolts in 124 gear to kill 1 skeleton all headshots, 3-4 fireballs to kill etc. It feels *terrible*. You have to use MM to clear anything and god help you if you pulled too much it's about to get dicey haha.
Honestly the only way I see to improve Wizard gameplay and maintain role fantasy is to make spells deal 25-50% less damage to players PERIOD(work out the % with testing). This would allow them to dramatically buff the base damage on all spells so that they are ALL usable in PvE content, not just MM. You get the right % and PvP feels unchanged to its current situation. Everybody wins.
The more I play and the more patches and insight I see, I'm just getting big World of Warcraft vibes on their approach. Arena/PvP is influencing too much and the PvE aspect is suffering heavily.
People think that the PvP is important and it is to a degree, but without the PvE aspects going, no ones going to have gear for you to steal after you dumpstered them kek. All classes should have fun and also live their class fantasy out while doing all aspects of the game.
This could obviously be applied to the other casters as well.