Druid Perks Out Heal HR Swarm Damage
I just discovered a huge flaw in the current implementation of the swarm in HR.
In HR the Crypts are now a randomized dungeon with no fog of war. This means that the second you get to Crypts you can press M and see where the module with the Rusty Iron Door has spawned.
I found a druid that beelined to the Rusty Iron Door and began looting. From the druid's POV he can just sit in the swarm and hit the gold pile indefinitely because his two druid perks heal as much as the swarm is hurting him.
I spectated and saw he was running almost 300 luck and had an inventory of legendary bangles and gems.
So right now in HR, you can queue druid, pump luck, run Rusty Iron key and loot full gold piles uncontested.
Knowing IM, this will probably be in the game for many weeks :)