As a player with around ~100 hours in...shouldn't HR and normal sub-24 be swapped?
TL;DR: With high gear score, HR becomes purely PvP, while sub-24 is actually PvPvE.
In the latest Dev Q&A, SDF mentions that "High Roller mode will return to being a hardcore experience". As a relatively new player, I feel like the "hardcore" aspect would mean that EVERYTHING is dangerous in the dungeon - not just the other players. If a kitted out Fighter takes a hit from Nightmare Skeleton Guardsman, bro's HP bar decreases by like...5%, and he can just keep going?
If HR forces everyone to go in with a Squire Kit, wouldn't that mean EVERYTHING you pick up from the dungeon matter? I also saw someone suggested locking HR behind Trios for the adventurers-dungeon-exploring-party aspect. This would kinda force team members to communicate more, which means other teams in the vicinity can hear people and set up for a fight. Honestly, that sounds good in my head - speaking and fighting mobs is kind of necessary, and now there are real risks associated with the part that more experienced players overlooked nowadays.
Obviously I know this change will completely break the market, as people LIKE using the gears they farmed/earned. But I just feel like the gear brackets are fundamentally backwards?? Imo, people should use better gear to PvP, but HR should be more about PvPvE than just having BiS. HR should test a player’s understanding of their class, their situational awareness when kiting mobs, and their ability to actually plan ahead through map reading. Right now, BiS players just walk in and two-tap everything, which skips the whole challenge.
Also, I assume the 50%+ population playing sub-24 wouldn't mind this change either. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though, like I've said I'm still a Timmy. Me almost dying to a mummy today.