I'm sorry Danny.

Hi! I'm kind of new to reddit but I've been feeling really guilty about a comment I made 4 months ago under one of Dannys videos and so I wanted to apologize here. In one of his videos danny had starbucks and I wanted to let him know that there was a boycott going on. I worded it poorly. I phrased it like danny had personally let me down and I'm sorry. I knew I would get many replies telling me I was being ridiculous but I thought I was doing a good thing letting him know. There weren't any comments at the time notifying him so I commented. I was scared that people would reply and they did. I'm really sensitive and a teenager so it really hurt my mental health having so many people tell me I was being ridiculous and stupid. For a while I couldn't watch Danny because of the replies I got. I don't spend much time on the internet so I took the comments too seriously. I felt like I had done him wrong and some replies I got gave me a lot of anxiety. I started wondering if I wasn't a good person and if I really was ugly or stupid or immature like they said. I know I'm being sensitive but I still felt like I should apologize. Many people were upset that I bothered him over a drink as he is a father and was/is busy with his child and that was probably why he didn't know. At the time I had assumed he would know about the boycott because he is an influencer. I was ignorant. I didn't mean to disrespect him or his family. I understand my mistake. I just wanted to show support for the people in P0lestine. I don't bother people for drinking SB now I just ignore them and donate to families instead. I wanted to clarify that I wasn't mad at him and I had just wanted to let him know. I'm really sorry. I don't mean to ask for sympathy on here I just wanted to clarify my intentions. I really like Danny and his content. His videos make me feel better. I never meant to hate on him. I apologize for blowing it out of proportion and letting the comments get to me. I've only ever hoped to spread positivity. ♥️