Just finished reading A certain someone...
and omg!! It's the third book I read from Mu Su Li and now I'm sure she is one of my favourite authors. I'll definitely add this novel to my "make me so sad and empty when I finished it" shelf.
Even though I already loved her other novels (GUEE and Nights), I was still surprised by how much I loved this one. I always liked her writing but it wasn't what stood out for me in her novels. But in MouMou, it definitely stood out (at least that's how I felt reading the translation). Like, I found the writing so beautiful, so many lines really moved me. And the characters... I always loved her characters and I really felt she went in-depth with them in this story especially. It made me so immersed in their story and attached to them. I'm already missing them 😭
The story legit made me reflect on my life (It also makes me want to study more seriously lol). I think I'm going to listen to the AD to get more of them 😭
(Now I'm going to yap on Novel updates, I have to much to say lol)