Advanced cdj advice

Ok, so i am a full vinyl dj who likes to layer some digital music on a third channel. I always used a cdj 400 for this purpose, but im in a point where i want to get something better because a lot of times my mixes are worse because of the lack of accuracy in the pitch. I want something really simple, i just want to improve the pitch and accuracy overall. I just need a play button, an accurate jog wheel and an accurate pitch. I dont care which brand if it gets the job done. I also dont need more info than necessary in the screen (just the name of the track). Is there any budget option i am missing? I dont want to pay 1000 for a cdj just for using play pitch and jog and i dont need all that bullshit unnecesary hi tech, dont even need cue points or loops. Also, i dont scratch, so i dont need anything extra fancy, just accuracy and consistency.Thanks in advance!!!