[S] SmackJeeves web comics archive

SmackJeeves was a website that allowed creators to upload their web comics. It was shutdown on December 31th, 2020. I was able to archive ~34,700 (only missed ~1,400) of the comics in in full before the site was taken off line. I have processed the data I have archived and I am in the process of uploading it to archive.org for all to access.All the comics I had are now uploaded.

SmackJeeves Archive: https://archive.org/details/smackjeeves-web-comics

Each comic is its own archive and its best to browse by downloading the full comic and extracting the zip that downloads.

You can open the index.html file in your web browser, this will let you view the full archive with all comments and descriptions. You could also go into the comic/pages folder and just browse the images there too.