I really hate APT posts so much man...

Not the actual APT that people worked on but the people who look at it and literally judge units fully based on it.

I remember when APT posts were just a "oh thats nice to know!" that we would all like. Years ago! Now? APT posts turned into " This unit is so bad! This one is x better. Why he doesn't do x and y!" People literally disregard the actual unit because of APT. Or completely overshadow the performance because of it.

I shouldn't be suprised or even care at this point but people are now saying TEQ SSJ4 Gogeta is actually underwhelming and/or disappointing. What world we live in when people think Gogeta with 180k def turn 1 while greatly increase defense on super plus extra 25% is underwhelming? Doing 5m+ turn 1 with 50% chance to be super effective?
Then when fully built by his returnal, he gets up to 8m plus 300k+ defense or more after super?



How can people be so hipocrite and call UI Goku amazing with his 70% dodge but say Gogeta is not? Gogeta virtually will take no damage by normals. And if they super him, he literally can negate it by 70% and do damage as well.

"Oh but apt is 12m!! so bad! Omega better and this better and int gogeta this and that" Nobody can be objective anymore. I guess APT is now the holy grail of judging units.

Rant over.