CoS Adventure Hook

Hi DM's,

My party has reached Wave Echo Cave in LMoP and are solving a small riddle before they enter. I'm already preparing a new adventure which will be CoS. To invite them into the story I've created an extended letter with the text of Kolyan Indirovich adventure hook. They'll receive this next Thursday with some nice gadgets I got them and the postcards from CoS Revamped.

Thought it might be interesting to share. See the code for NaturalCrit Homebrew HERE, or copy the code underneath. Image is what it looks like eventually.

There might be some spelling errors which I already fixed. I'm Dutch so my medieval English is a bit rusty. For programmers, yes the code is a bit sloppy but it's no rocket science.

Inspiration came from u/Vincam1 from this post

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  Hail thee Kerillian,<br/>Ruler of Shadows and Deceit <br/>Swift and Cunning with Bow and Arrow<br />Descendant from the Mighty Wood-Elfs
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    There are talks about a Shadow moving in the North-West of Faerûn. Speak of an unseen death striking at the most unexpected of times. No one knows what lurks between the branches in Neverwinter Woods and around the dim light given access by the Sword Mountains.
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    Thy swiftness and insightful tactics have not gone unnoticed, and although thou might find thyself in a critical moment on thy quest I urge thee to read this letter with great caution. 
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    If this letter reaches thee we plead for thy so desperately needed assistance.
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    The love of my life, Ireena Kolyana, has been afflicted by an evil so deadly that even the good people of our village cannot protect her. She languishes from her wound, and I would have her saved from this menace.
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    There is much wealth in this community. I offer all that might be had to thee and thy fellows if thou shalt but answer my desperate plea. 
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    Come quickly for her time is at hand! All that I have shall be thine.
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    Attached I have a welcoming postcard from our beautiful region so thee can give message to your loved ones and a notebook to provide thee with necessary tools for the investigation of the darkness that thy might face. 
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    To speak in thine language: Christmas has come early this year.
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    My gratitude for thy attention reaches higher than the highest trees of thine people. Whenever thee have completed thine quest in the Phandalin region, please make haste because I am disquieted of the forthcoming. 
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    May intelligence and thy astute spirit serve thee well on the quest thee are about to face.
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    Directions are not necessary the Fog will find thee when the hour is nigh.
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      Kolyan Indirovich <br />