First time DM running Curse of Strahd, have a cool idea but want some feedback!
So my players recently got to Vallaki and successfully returned the bones. As I understand it, this keeps the St. Andral's feast event from happening so definitely a win for them. My players have had Ireena and Ismark accompanying them up to this point and are going to take advantage of the hallowed ground to protect Ireena. I had a cool idea depending on how things play out that could potentially lead to Ismark as the new Burgomaster of Vallaki so that he can stay close to and protect his sister. Keeping with this, I had Ismark ask Father Lucian if there was a way to extend the church's protection to the rest of the town as I think this would give my players a real sense of accomplishment. So my question is if there is anyway to extend the area of effect of Hallowed ground, not through the actual spell but through story elements such as St. Andral's bones. I'm hoping there is a way to do this over time and do it legitimately within the mechanics of the game but I am aware as the DM I can take liberties with things such as this. So any feedback on how I might be able to implement this and/or thoughts on the idea in general. Looking forward to input, thanks!