Yall…. Long story short, This Currency Community is good at Crafts and Caring
Got two very personal notes and some custom cards the 01, 02, and 03/10 Custom apes card from our own community member rrmiles (tagging in posts is hard and I usually screw it up). Thanks to everyone that hand a hand in this. I got to open them as the last package of my mail stream after opening 8 personal collectors boxes with no hits, I opened this package. Perfect timing.
I appreciate all the caring and creative people in this sub. My wife is only slightly jealous of what we have together.
I’m thinking of doing a giveaway of one of these to all the people that send in a submission for the St. Patrick’s Day Stream I’m doing on 3/17 so get your submissions in, and let me know when you mail it so I know to include you on the chance to win one of these.
These custom ape cards are green and feel like one should be given away to a community member during the St. Patys day steam. Also I was told in the personal note these aren’t to be burned… yall know who you are.