Happy Thanksgiving! Give away day! Read the comment

Since hopefully most of us are off work today, let's have some fun and get some community interaction! Post some pics in this thread of what you're doing today, work, gaming, cards, cooking for family, friends, pets, other hobbies whatever you want. Include your username and today's date in the pic. Keep it fun and PG, any negativity and I'll delete, boot you from the fun and shame you publicly for your bad vibes.. Pics with most up votes will get a RANDOM card or cards from this pile, shipped by me to you on Monday.100% surprise, I wont tell anyone what they win. Lets say top 4 upvoted comments will win something. I'll figure out any tie breakers if they happen, sound good?. we'll go til 9pm PST today Nov 28th with winners announced then... Any comment or comments that is at 69 upvotes at 9pm PST will get a bonus prize.. 69, not over or under, just 69 LFG!!

Since hopefully most of us are off work today, let's have some fun and get some community interaction! Post some pics in this thread of what you're doing today, work, gaming, cards, cooking for family, friends, pets, other hobbies whatever you want. Include your username and today's date in the pic. Keep it fun and PG, any negativity and I'll delete, boot you from the fun and shame you publicly for your bad vibes.. Pics with most up votes will get a RANDOM card or cards from this pile, shipped by me to you on Monday.100% surprise, I wont tell anyone what they win. Lets say top 4 upvoted comments will win something. I'll figure out any tie breakers if they happen, sound good?. we'll go til 9pm PST today Nov 28th with winners announced then... Any comment or comments that is at 69 upvotes at 9pm PST will get a bonus prize.. 69, not over or under, just 69 LFG!!