Salty drink before section?

Hi folks,

I had an emergency section for my baby in 2023, now that we're expecting again I'm trying to remember exactly what went on as I want a nice, planned peaceful section this time. I was pretty exhausted and medicated and I don't remember parts of what happened. It happened so fast (apparently less than 5 minutes from when the doctor decided to do a section to when baby was born... I already had the epidural) and I'm trying to piece the process together. Maybe you guys can help!

My husband was getting cleaned up and changed to join us so he doesn't remember this. I had some nitrous oxide by my request as they took me from the delivery room to the OR. I don't remember being moved to an OR bed (I assume this would have happened) and was puking perhaps from the nerves. They had me drink what I can only describe as salt water. I remember the nurse saying that it would make me less nauseous, I think it was in a Dixie cup. I couldn't use my arms to lift it as my epidural was dialed all the way up so the nurse brought it up to my lips. Does anyone know what this drink was? I wonder why it wasn't given intervenuously when I had an IV in. Any friends who had sections did not have this salt water drink. I puked it up anyways so it must not have helped with my nausea lol.

Anyways baby was born healthy a minute or two after my husband joined us in the OR, and I don't feel overly traumatized by the whole event as I trusted my OB completely... would just like more clarity on the details I don't remember so I'm prepared for next time. Does anyone know what this salt water drink was or did I hallucinate it?