Do you still believe in PI long term?

Going from conversations I've been a part of both online and offline, it looks like the sentiment among individuals toward PI is still very bullish. Many people in the Pi community, especially long-time Pioneers who mined via the app, remain very bullish and I think it's the same here.

I've seen posts with a lot of people expecting PI to reach double figures by year-end, citing reasons like its very large user base and potential for merchant adoption, which has already even started.

Although there are people that are still very concerned about its price action because of how volatile it has been, but I think now might even be a good time to buy the dip in anticipation of a potential move upward.

Personally, I no longer have buying power, and I'm depending on the tokens I mined, and whatever I get from depositing and trading on Bitget's candybomb, I sold a good number of my PI but I still have some left, and coupled with whatever I get from the event, I would have a very solid return if PI goes on a crazy run. Like most of you here I really hope it happens.