I hate highschool.

16 year old junior in high school I don’t know if anyone will read this, but I’m a black girl in a predominantly white school neighborhood. No boy usually looks at me in school, and if they do, it’s to call me ugly, chopped or say I have ugly teeth. I feel as if all my friends around me are way prettier than me and have more experience and a love life that I may possibly never have. I know I’m still young and I still have much to see and explore, but for now I feel extremely left out. The constant remarks of my ugly appearance has left me insecure on everything about me. Recently, I finally started talking to this boy just to find out he was calling me ugly and other weird insults to his friends and other people in my school. This situation has left me feeling more insecure about my looks in my body, and has me feeling unwanted by my peers. After having this feeling for so many years, I feel as if it’s never going to go away.