- When the World Stopped Making Sense 0.9.10

WtWSMS Beta release 0.9.10 is here !

It is compatible with vanilla 2.7.1

This new version features major changes in comparison to the previous 0.9.9 version. It is not compatible with previous saves due to the major vanilla update.

Based on suggestions from our sub-forum, we plan on working on melting-pots and overhauling the map, and some big features are still in the pipe (church councils, Rise of Islam, dynamic dejure).

Keep posting your funny moments, reporting bugs or suggesting ideas, that's what keeps us going ! For any kind of feedback or support, head to the official sub-forum.

Changelog for 0.9.10:


  • Compatibility with vanilla 2.7.1
  • Reintegrated Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET) by Cybrxkhan, OrdepNM and many others
    • Adapted all religion and culture specific flavour for the WtWSMS setting
    • Added new content for the Celtic, Greek and West African cultures as well as the Silk Road which had not been integrated previously
    • Restricted the courtier events to prevent Orthodox or Sunni characters from appearing
    • Tuned the likelihood for the general flavour events to fire
  • Added a Vasconic religion for the Basque Pagans with associated flavour, based upon forum suggestions:
    • A decision to erect a megalith
    • A minor decision to sacrifice a black goat for some money in exchange for piety
    • An annual decision to hold an Akelarre celebration
    • The possibility of reforming into the organised Heuskarist with a religious head
  • Added historical buildings for Constantinople, Rome, Damascus, Alexandria, Carthage, Northumberland, Hadrian's Wall and Antonine Wall area, some of which were integrated from Unique Buildings mod courtesy of Morloran (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=353936109&insideModal=1).
  • Added six new soundtracks written by Beverage, including five general songs for rulers in Europe and an intro song for the mod
  • Achieved basic compatibility with the Europa Universalis 4 Converter DLC


  • Integrated Ancient Religions v0.40.2 "Eurybia", for compatibility with 2.7.1
  • Added an additional check to make sure that characters who don't have the Exilarchy as their primary title don't get converted to Judaism. The event instead destroys the title
  • Added a Romano-Dacian culture, based upon Fabuloscriptor's work, credits to him, and present in the provinces of Turnu, Severin and Temes at start
  • Changed all characters, dynasties and provinces of the Dalmatian culture into Illyro-Romans
  • Disabled the legion condition which prevented the decision to reform the WRE to be enacted
  • Added the Diocesis Raetia Noricum as a region for consistency and clarity
  • Integrated the Release as Tributary mini-mod, credits to bossam88 for creating it
  • Fixed typo in the Buri culture name
  • The opinion modifier restricting conversion for non-prisoners now works properly
  • Added a limit of three religious conversion demands per prisoner
  • Taoists may now hunt again
  • Added unique holdings pictures for some cultures, based upon graphics from Lux Invicta (credits to the LI team)
  • Fixed griot with non West African culture
  • Added holy sites for the reformed Sanamahi religion
  • Added an event for the alternate history possibility of Nepos reconquering Italy
  • Added a decision for proclaiming the 2000th anniversary of the Gothic kingdom for the Ostrogoths (based upon Cassiodorus)
  • Toned down the Tamtruyt to a more feasible level (+20% -> +10% increased revolt risk)
  • Added some Manx cultural title localisations
  • Fixed a bug where the Uyghurs would constantly respawn in the county of Fergana due to a flag not being properly set
  • Added a check to prevent the Catholic Crusades from starting before the Great Schism has fired
  • Added flavour for the Tabitian religion, based upon starwarsfan541's work and adapted for WtWSMS with permission
  • Limited the Gothic culture conversion events to make them only fire for rulers of the appropriate culture
  • Cleaned up the names, titles and dynasties for the existant cultures of: Frankish (Old French) which evolves from Old Frankish, as well as African Romance, Pannonian and Romano-British which are all present at start, based upon Fabuloscriptor's work, credits to him
  • Added four new cultures: Brídaney, Arréyanu, Pièlsuzhany and Galleis which will all be outcomes of the Romance melting-pots, based upon Fabuloscriptor's work, credits to him
  • Added truces between migrating characters and the characters created after a migration to prevent the player from reconquering territories with claims after having migrated
  • Removed the ghost Tarim Basin province which didn't exist on the map
  • Fixed the Gepid culture and Varazdin capital for the titular kingdom of Angloland which is now Angle with Lubek
  • Split the duchy of Asoristan into Hira, Mesan and Asoristan in order to lower the amount of provinces while overhauling the map
  • Reforming the ERE or WRE now copies the laws and history of the title previously held by the former
  • Added a restriction to require characters to not have not migrated in the last 10 years before migrating
  • A realm with a Bureaucratic government form will no longer loose it when restoring the WRE or ERE
  • Failing with the publication of the Henotikon will now negatively impact the moral authority of the Nicene religion
  • Added the historical fort of Gefrin represented as a unique building in Bamburgh during the 6th century and onwards based upon a forum suggestion
  • Added a decision to allow Donatist rulers in Northern Africa who are at war against other religions to use piety in exchange for some light infantry to represent the roving bands of Donatists which existed in the area
  • Addded character events and flavour based upon vanilla for the additional employment decisions
  • Fixed a bug which caused the kingdom of Sarir to be an unplayable theocracy
  • Solved an issue with the historical theocracy of Rayy leading to the entire duchy of Mad being a theocracy rather than Eransharhr
  • Added the missing localisation for the decision to pick a patron saint as an Insular ruler
  • Made the decision for the Roman Empire to move the capital to Rome available for the WRE
  • Added a new flag for the Chatti based upon a forum suggestion
  • Updated the Romano-Frankish namelist to be more adapted for the timeperiod of the mod, based upon the Franceis list by Fabuloscriptor
  • Removed the name Thresiamma with Christian connections to Teresa from the Dravidian cultures as suggested on the forums
  • Added an event about the invention of the Greek fire as flavour and to prevent it from being mentionned prior to it
  • Moved a holy site of the Celtic pagan religion from Somerset to Vannes in Brittany
  • Moved the Saxon capital from Anhalt to Celle
  • Modified the name lists for the Astures and and Cantabrian cultures
  • Added province modifiers lowering movement speed, supply limits and taxes in the "Empty Quarter" (Rub' al Khali in Arab) at the centre of Southern Arabia to represent the desolate nature of it in comparison to other deserts
  • The Subjugation CB will now be available before 800, but it will cost and require prestige as well as be retricted to those of a higher rank and the same culture group as their targets up until the start of the Viking Age
  • Fixed a bug where Julius Nepos would systematically attempt to assasinate himself in the Nepos bookmark
  • Replaced the vanilla flag for the Eastern Roman Empire, which came into use in the 13th century, with the Chi Rho which was used by Constantine
  • Fixed Emperor Anastasius controlling the duchy of Campania
  • Fixed Emperor Anastasius' nickname not working
  • Fixed Odoacer holding the Iron Crown of Lombardy rather than the kings of Lombardy
  • Added a Roman imperial regalia artifact based upon forum suggestions
  • Added the imperial regalia as artifacts which can be sent to the ERE emperor through event with the victory of Odoacer
  • Added three new loadingscreens
  • Fixed the graphic for the "Go Travelling" ambition displaying oddly
  • Added an unique graphic for the Franish Steel era
  • Fixed 400+ years old character at start, both from Houses G.J Caesar, S.J Caesar and an Old Nubian
  • Enabled the usage of the conversion diplomatic action and proselyte councillor action for Bastion of Faith religions towards Ancestral religions
  • Allowed the Offensive Ancestral religions to use the conversion diplomatic action towards other religions if those have a low moral authority
  • Modified the legions in a workaround to avoid the vanilla bug which prevents country-level titles from being disactivated
  • Added an event for the foundation of the Benedictines
  • Prevented Muslim Physicians from appearing before the Islamic Caliphate has been established
  • Added a narrative flavour event about the formation of the Frankish Kingdom for other rulers
  • No longer possible to find aqueducts in areas outside Roman influence
  • Aqueducts should be slightly more likely to be found
  • Added Juhuro cultural localisation
  • Added a decision to form the empire of Oriens
  • Miaphysites may now become vegetarians