Are there still real vanilla players, after long play?

Hey folks!

After the first few hundred hours of play, I always end up using some mods. Even if it’s not the huge ones like AGOT, TFE, etc., I create my own to tweak things a bit. It takes quite a bit of time, but that's actually where the fun is for me. Are there still any true vanilla players out there after playing for a long time?

I know "long time" is tough to define. Let's say sometimes you end a game because you just can't keep going. Other times, you wrap up a playthrough because you feel accomplished and don't want to continue. If we call the latter a full play, would you still play vanilla after three more full plays?

I'm curious because I want to know what keeps you entertained. I'm looking for new ways to have fun and get more out of the game.

Thanks in advance!