Being informed got me down voted in r/pregnant
I guess I've been living in a crunchy bubble for a long time bc I thought my birth plan was totally normal! I posted it in r/pregnant and was down voted.
Here's what I posted:
My plan so far:
No epidural (I can't get one)
Free movement, either mobile or intermittent monitoring.
Natural water rupture
Limited cervical exams, one on admittance and one before pushing
Food and drink for mom.
No pitocin. I'm having a vbac and pit increases the risk of uterine rupture, plus I react badly to it.
No IV, hep lock only so easy access is there if needed.
Immediate skin to skin with mom. Any weight checks etc can wait at least an hour. I'll be breastfeeding during this time so whenever baby is done with that they can do weight & all that.
Delayed cord clamping/cutting. I'm thinking a minimum of 10 minutes to allow the cord to stop pulsing.
Partner cuts the cord.
Oral vit k, less preservatives.
No eye ointment. I don't have any STDs or group b.
No hep b. I don't have it
No baths, let that vernix soak in.
No bottles or pacis. As I mentioned, we'll be breastfeeding.
Nothing crazy or out of the ordinary imo!