[CHAT] Stitch SOS, need ideas on how to fix this!

Hey all. Sorry for the quality of the stitch picture, it is difficult to show in picture but soooo obvious when looking at the piece.

This is a gift for someone and really need to fox this up! I stitched one letter of their name with 2x doubled regular dmc threads plus added 1 doubled thread of the Metallic dmc threads equalling 6 threads all up however I'd miscounted and had to pick all of that letter and start fresh next to it. This has left a very obvious area of picked stitching, so clear the letter is still very legible. The fabric used was the pearlescent version of the one in the second photo.

I've already tried to push the holes in by poking the needle into the fabric around each hole to try to make the holes a little smaller but to no avail. I have already read that I need to be very careful with heat on this kind of fabric because of the pearlescent threads, so what else can I try? Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you!