Prednisone is a miracle drug!!
I have recently been having an awful flare up that results in extremely frequent and painful (burning, stabbing, bleeding) bowel movements. I decided to contact my digestive health team who are increasing my frequency of remicade from 8 to 6 weeks. I am getting labs done to check my trough levels to see if I need to have an increase in dosage as well. In the meantime they have prescribed me a months worth of prednisone (starting at 40mg the first week and tapering down 10mg each consecutive week). It has only been 3 days and I can't believe the results. I have stopped having blood when I wipe which used to happen every single time. I am more regular and only go to the bathroom 1-2 times a day instead of 5+. I don't feel drained of energy and have realized just how miserable I was feeling before. The only downsides I have experienced so far was a headache the 2nd day that I slept off and an occasionally faster heartbeat. I wish there weren't any downsides to prolonged usage because this is the most normal I have felt in a long time.