FATIGUE how do you reduce / help it?

I've been getting extremely fatigued around 2 pm, which is an issue because I'm a student and this makes it hard to do work and study etc. I don't even want to sleep though it's just like I'm so physically and mentally exhausted.

I'm on ADHD meds and steroids, which should make keep me awake and alert for longer (they usually do) but instead I'm alert for like 4 hours and then exhausted lol. I've experienced periods of fatigue in the past when my iron was super low so maybe it's that? - but it started a week or so after starting skyrizi.

I'm open to any suggestions / advice ! other than diet advice lol but specific drink/snack recs are welcome just not the whole "don't eat gluten/dairy/anything/at/all"

I'm going to try iron pills and B12 (I'm anemic in both)