Thoughts/suggestions? See desc…

Running a homebrew horror DnD campaign with an Alien vibe, but set in a classic fantasy setting with parasitic demons instead of xenos. This is concept art I did for one of the demons with will be birthed from an npc. First image head second image body. Obviously inspired by the xeno look. I imagine the jaws can extend in a goblin shark fashion like some of Carlos Huante’s Covenant concept art. The body is very chimp-like to make it look more primal. 8 feet tall and hunched with tight musculature and visible tendons to give off a creepy anatomy journal feel. Big strong arms and hand for ripping and tearing. I think I’m going to stick with the overall body plan but you’ll notice protrusions coming from the back. Those are more stand-in, because I want something else present to add a splash of chaos to the design but I’m not sure what. Any thoughts? Thanks!