I know most here are over this trial but for the 3 other people still watching, the prosecutor is eating his lunch. She has gotten him tangled up in so many lies he actually blanked out yesterday afternoon.

Baker, totally on the ropes all the sudden said that he put GPS trackers on Fabio's Porche and Monica's F150 that he could follow on his phone - never said this to anyone before yesterday. The prosecutor turned it right around on him and asked how did youHe testified repeatedly that he didn't have his phone with him - so how could he track??

Gets better from there - after they went over the murder and immediately after many many times - he just remembered he turned off the electricity to get Fabio to "move".

NGL this shit is wild!!

Watching uncensored on YouTube in two parts:

Day 31 Part 1 at the 2hr 10 min mark it starts the build up to the payoff around 2hr 17 min mark.

Day 31 Part 2