Tempted to Buy

Delete if not allowed, but i’m tempted to buy a new C8 seeing as user corvettes (C7, C8) are only going for ~10k less in good condition

However i am not a risk taker and can’t shake the feeling of the opportunity cost of investing the money (~70k) instead.

Convince me to buy one, lol. Do corvettes hold value over time? If I do buy and regret it a year or two later, would I have to settle for a huge loss if I choose to sell?

Some background:

twenty-five years old, making 105k-120k this year, LCOL area. Wife makes 60k

No debt other than a mortgage which is ~1900 including all taxes and insurances

I think I could afford it (a roughly 1000-1400 monthly payment , depending on how much I put down) on my salary alone but can’t shake the feeling of having less monthly going into savings and investments

Currently 18k in personal savings and ~35k in retirement, not counting the wife’s.