Pace 3 or Suunto Race S?

I have both and trying to decide which to keep. I'm leaning towards the Coros for a few reasons.

Coros: It's more comfortable. Lighter Battery last longer App is better and engaging. AOD or Lift to wake is not needed.

Suunto: Nicer watch Better material Nicer screen to look at

That's all I have for now as I am trying to learn Suunto's app and settings. They are not as easy or pretty to look at like coros, Garmin, Samsung, Apple , etc. I actually don't like the app and trying to force myself to like it.

I know this is a coros page so not expecting answers. But does anyone know if the Heart Rate intervals can be changed. I don't know if it's set to real time, 1 min, 10 min, etc. I can't find the settings anywhere. Also low and high HR alerts. A few things I can't find while playing with it.

Coros on the other hand is very simple and straight forward. The app gives you want you need and displays it nicely. I might have to return the Suunto and go with the Pace Pro.

What you guys think?

Since I currently have both does anyone have any questions that might be looking into these 2 watches.