Why Does Co-Pilot Know My Name??

My default browser is Firefox and I'm running Windows 10. I was on a site that has some problems with Firefox, so I went on Egde, and noticed the Copilot icon. I hate Copilot, but I figured since it's not on my computer and just in the browser, it's not spying on me. So I had a chat with it, and pretty soon I realized it knew my name. I never once told it my name. I asked it how it knows my name, and it swore that I told it my name before. I kept telling it that I never told it my name and that this is my first time EVER talking with a copilot, but it kept insisting that I told it. Eventually it said that basic information like my name could have been uploaded it to it from some services, but that it has no way of seeing which services those are.
Another strange thing is that it couldn't have gotten anything from my browsing on Edge because I NEVER use edge. I've only ever used it once or twice on this PC for the purpose above. Second, I am signed into an account on Edge, but the name I associated with that gmail account is "Someone Real," and not my real first and last name. WHY DOES CO-PILOT KNOW MY NAME?! THIS IS UNSETTLING.