Is my partner using too many spices/ herbs?
Partner was making chilli in the slow cooker earlier today. 750g of minced beef, 3 bell peppers, 2 onions, some carrots. Stock, tomato paste, 2 tins of tomatoes, tinned beans.
When he went to add the spices he added a WHOLE JAR of smoked paprika, half a jar of coriander, about a third of a jar of cumin, onion and garlic granules, and a significant amount of something else I can’t remember.
To me, this seems excessive and a complete waste of money! I’m not a very good cook, he’s the ‘chef’ of the house, so I’m wondering if this is a normal amount or if I’m right in saying this is too much? Maybe I’m just not experienced enough with cooking and this is a very normal amount.
Any insight appreciated 😊