Anyone play relaxing music for their conure while they’re away?

My lil 13yo Green Cheek buddy Mr. Conyers is doing great after a bout of plucking that left his chest bald about a year ago. I changed his diet (less seeds, more pellets and fruits, protein) and he grew all his feathers back, seems generally fine, though he’s been chewing and fraying his feathers again lately. I want to make sure he’s feeling good while I’m at work. Has anyone tried playing music to soothe their bird? If so, what music does your bird enjoy?

My lil 13yo Green Cheek buddy Mr. Conyers is doing great after a bout of plucking that left his chest bald about a year ago. I changed his diet (less seeds, more pellets and fruits, protein) and he grew all his feathers back, seems generally fine, though he’s been chewing and fraying his feathers again lately. I want to make sure he’s feeling good while I’m at work. Has anyone tried playing music to soothe their bird? If so, what music does your bird enjoy?