Recurring Contractor Pain Points
I've been contracting for around 6 years now and I'm constantly finding the same pain points coming up time and time again whenever I'm looking for a new contract, onboarding onto a new contract or in a contract. These are some of the pain points I'm finding:
Looking For A New Role
- When I'm in a role I'm always getting recruiters messaging me with new opportunities. I usually say contract me call on x date when I'm nearing end of contract. Remembering who messaged about what roles is tricky and usually involves trawling back through LinkedIn conversations and emails to find these.
- When I'm actively looking and talking to recruiters I speak to so many people it's next to impossible to remember who called me about what roles and when.
- I usually reach out to ex colleagues. This involves searching through emails to find email addresses or correspondence etc.
- I often tailor my cvs for specific roles or recruiters. Keeping track of which version was sent to who and when is really hard.
Background Checks
- Exact start and end dates going back at least 5 years are always required. This means digging through all my old contracts to find the dates which is painful.
- They always require scans of contracts. Again this means digging back through emails and onedrive to find them.
- They always require at least one reference. This means remembering who I can use as a reference and then digging through correspondence to find their email address and then emailing for permission to use them as a reference. Doing this for 5-10 ex roles is always long.
- They always need exact dates of incorporation and scans of incorporation documents. Again it means going back and digging them out of wherever they're stored. The same goes for VAT certificates.
- I've had several Ltd companies and also need to track down all the details for those
New starter documents
- Retrieving company bank details for invoicing
- Finding my VAT vertificates
- Remembering which date to invoice on is usually tricky as some companies have strange invoicing schedules.
- Remembering VAT deadlines
- Remembering corporation tax deadlines
- Remembering to fill in time sheets as again, some companies have weird time sheet schedules.
I could go on but I'm sure you've got the point by now.
Does anybody else here find similar issues in their day to day life as a contractor? I can't be the only one.
I'm so fed up of it that I'm thinking of building a small app to just manage all this stuff centrally. It would make it easier to quickly track down employment dates, documents, references, correspondence etc). I could also get it to send email reminders to action things (pay tax, send invoice etc) to avoid forgetting things.
Would anybody find this useful? I think I'm going to build it anyway for my own sanity, but maybe this could be helpful for others too.