(Discussion) Is there any class which defies the class wheel more than Cosmic?

Hello all,

Just wanted to start a discussion about classes in this game. Generally, I think Kabam has honestly done a pretty good job giving each class some identity in the form of abilities, immunities etc. For example, some classic abilities/tropes for each class off the top of my head are listed below (note: these are generalisations, some other champions from other classes have the listed abilities, I've probably forgotten some, etc.):

Science: non-damaging debuffs, buff immunity, miss/evade

Skill: purify/cleanse, anti-miss/evade (AAR etc.)

Mutant: anti-purify/cleanse (passive stuns), prowess

Tech: Power control, autoblock, armor

Cosmic: Buffs, armor break, anti-autoblock

Mystic: Buff control, unstoppable

Again, big generalisations but point being that each class on the whole usually has the tools to deal with typical abilities from the class it counters in the class wheel. The best counters for any champ are usually found in the respective counter-class.

That being said, the one that sticks out to me is the relationship between mystic and cosmic. For some reason, Kabam has released a number of cosmic champs who are immune to nullify or other forms of buff control (a staple ability of the mystic class). For example:

Galan, adam, gladiator (embolden), serpent (fate seal immune + death immunity buff cannot be staggered/nullified), Hulking (replaced with passives), etc.

Now I know its not completely unusual for champs to have immunities which counter many champs of the opposite class (e.g luke cage, thing being bleed immune when many skill champions rely on bleed). However, these immunities are thematic. It does not seem thematic to me for many of the aforementioned cosmic champs to be immune to buff control. To me, that would be like making a mutant champ immune to power drain for no thematic reason.

What do you guys think? Note we will ignore Magneto from this discussion as he is a special case.