Time in navy counting to electrical time to test? Union

Sorry I'm going to be posting a lot dealing with a shit job.

I was talking to an electrician on the site I was at today about how much should I ask for to be a apprentice if I have 4 years of electrical experience as a construction electrician in the navy.

And he wasn't sure on how it would work for me but he said I might be able to just test in with a unioexplaintold me what the practical test was and the only hard part was the bend to me but that's like riding a bike. He wasn't sure because they go by W2s wich I can get.

Bur I also have my dd214 with my job code on it and my training jacket that show my hours at the school house as well.

The reason I never did this was I was told your navy experience dosnt count when you get out you have to be active and then go test with the brotherhood of electricians. And I get medically separated so just never did.

But if this is true it change a lot of things. But right now it's all he said this but this person said that. Anyone know what's true?