Window install (Am I wrong!?)

Boring post but good question. I install a fair amount of windows and I disagree with Pellas (and others) install instructions for integrating with building wrap.

If you’re a window pro, can you tell me why I’m wrong?

They want you to use liquid flashing tape on the sill only, wrap the sheeting into the framing on the sides. Then install the window and liquid tape the nail fin to the house wrap.

You’re telling me, you want to use this expensive ass impervious tape and stick it to breathable house wrap!?

I like to liquid tape the sill and the edges around the whole window. Then install the window and liquid flash that to the house sheathing. Now the window is DRY. Then run the house wrap over the nail fin and use house wrap tape to connect the house wrap to the nailfin. The rest of the process is the same.

My thought is that if water gets under the house wrap it can’t get into the window as it’s flashed directly to the sheathing. With their method, any water under the house wrap could make its way behind the liquid tape flashing and into the home.

Am I wrong?