Soldier 1 trick rant
Man soldier 1 trick here since like s3 ow2 and just wanna rant a lil
This is just a little discussion and personal rant I'm currently D3 for anyone wondering
Personally think soldier would be way cooler with a lower dmg helix and higher base gun dmg cause alot of kills or openings end up being made my helix
Also I think his sprint should by default be a lil faster like the perk also on the topics of Perks there is no reason for stim to anti you it makes it so much worse than the sprint perk even still I think the sprint is better the reloading while running is also really nice
On the topic of s9 I'm still team bring the bullet size down for all hitscan again and bring some more range to the hero so tired of tickling at a distance that I should be playing at to avoid getting walked down by every opponent side note bring cass bullet back down and give him his range back