Who are some heroes whose skill ceilings are often under/overstated by the community?
You know when ppl often say “xyz is high/low skill” and you disagree. Ill give an example of each:
“High skill”: Winton isnt braindead by any means, but ppl act like hes sooo difficult to play when honestly pretty much any dive tank is more difficult. Gotta mention that primal is by far and away the most difficult ult in the game to master but other than that the other dive tanks take way more to execute well. Other dive tanks like doom, ball, and dva require not only good gamesense but good mechanics at all times too. Hes a pretty solid medium skill char imo, other dive tanks have more to master. I should mention though for full clarity that im a dva main who strongly prefers dive dva metas and its a little weird to me how much love winton gets. Also as a supp main i need my teammates to get out of the damn bubble
“Low skill”: ive seen ppl saying that lw is low skill which is kind of crazy to me. He is easy to pick up no doubt but his ceiling is much higher than a ton of ppl realize mostly in terms of petal/tree usage. Tons of applications in which you need to think quick and be wary of cd usage (eg stopping enemy mercy rez w/ petal, cancelling sig ult w/tree, petaling dva bomb out of range, etc). Given that hes lenient with mechanics though id say hes a medium skill hero. Moira and mercy are low skill heroes but their mains were onto something when they say that low mechanics supps arent respected the same way as low mechanics tanks….
What are some other heroes you think have their skill misrepresented often? (Or if you wanna respectfully beef with me lets hear it)